9/29/2016 September MinutesPTO Board Meeting Minutes
Date: September 26, 2016 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Brighten Academy ______________________________________________________________________________ The meeting was called to order by Keena Kister, PTO President at approximately 6:05. She gave opening remarks, welcomed everybody to the meeting, and thanked them for coming. August meeting minutes were approved. Meeting minutes will now be available online. Budget Update: The financials discussed were as follows: movie fest expenses/profits, spirit shirt profits, membership profits, and surprise grant from Greystone was announced (grant of $250). Budget proposal was passed out, and it was announced that the budget vote would take place by email. Spirit Week Update: Winners for most class spirit and door decorating contest were announced: *Most class spirit: *Door decorating contest Bolling (red floor) Anderson (red floor) Curtis (blue floor) Pardue (blue floor) Brown (green floor) Brown (green floor) Spirit week pictures can be found online, and there are available spirit shirts still left. Spirit Nights: The second spirit night of the year was held this past week on 9/21/16 at Yogli Mogli and was a success with just over $400 raised. The next spirit night will be held on Thursday, 10/13/16 from 5-9 at Panda Express. (September 26, 2016 Minutes Continued) Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities: *Help with ice cream social this upcoming Friday after school (9/30/16). *Help with Oktoberfest which will be held on Friday, 10/28/16. It was emphasized that this is PTO’s biggest moneymaker event and help was solicited at this meeting. Room Mom Information: *Donations for auction baskets (Birdies Fore Brighten) are due this Friday, 9/30/16. *If you are the sole room mom of a class, you get 10 volunteer hours for year. If you are a co-room mom of a class, you get 5 volunteer hours for the year. *Room moms were encouraged to utilize the room mom FB page in an effort to share ideas. Membership: We currently have 300 PTO members, and of these members, 43 are staff members. Community Partners Update: *Shoparoo App - School started with 22 supporters, and the number has now increased to 81 supporters. Goal is to get >100 supporters. *Kroger Community Rewards - Brighten received $194 last quarter. *Brighten Bricks - These bricks will go on sale again in the near future. Yearbook Update: Mrs. Witcher encouraged parents to use the app “hjeshare” to upload and share pictures, and she also encouraged the use of hashtag #bacharter when uploading pictures to social media so she could select some of these pictures to go in the yearbook. Playground: The sod has been laid, and the playground should be finished by the 2nd week of October. Volunteer of the Month: It was decided by the PTO Board that the volunteer of the month for August is Lanonia “Elle” Dean. She was given a $5 Bagel Meister gift card. Comments are closed.
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Brighten Academy Charter School Parent & Teacher Organization
5897 Prestley Mill Rd
Douglasville, GA 30135
5897 Prestley Mill Rd
Douglasville, GA 30135